Thursday 5 December 2019


Inducta Engineering, the developer and distributor of SLABS software, has developed a new Bamtec-Slabs module, simplifying the design of all types of cast-in-situ Calculating deflections in concrete structures is a very imprecise thing. In regards to industry practice, it is common place in my region for entire top and bottom mats of reinforcing to be provided with additional top reinforcing as required. Deflections can be calculated using simple deemed to comply methods or direct calculation methods. This manual was prepared by Dr. inducta slabs 2009

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I trust the wording of this statement inductta suitable? Once forced by conflict with my employer and then got an offer I couldn't refuse. What have got against Adelaide? The kcs approach doesn't account for the creep and shrinkage characteristics of the concrete, the environment, the age at first loading etc.

INDUCTA Concrete Buildings Design Software

I am unfamiliar with Inducta or the percentage of the Australian market that is using Inducta at the moment. As this is based on a singly reinforced section — accounting for this 'compressive reinforcing' would actually lower Ku further or does it — if it is not in compression?!

The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. Cannot comment on your first three questions, however, I would use a triangular stress distribution when considering service loads and hence calculating deflections. The 2D plate theory used in SLABS is a much more superior analytical tool and provides a much more accurate prediction of the instantaneous deflections.

inducta slabs 2009

SLABS is a program that can be used by structural engineers to perform a static analysis and design of reinforced concrete slab systems of any shape, including suspended slabs and slabs-on-ground.

Posting Guidelines Promoting, selling, recruiting, coursework and thesis posting is forbidden. Composite slabs and beams are commonly used with steel columns in the commercial, industrial, leisure, health and residential building slas due to the speed of construction and general structural economy that can be achieved. I will get back when I have more information. Join your peers on the Internet's largest technical engineering professional community.

You can perform reinforcement designs, long term deflections, beam designs, reactions, automatic two way action, effective moment of inertia, and punching shear. Long term deflections are evaluated slab the deemed to comply kcs method, or directly calculated using the Age-Adjusted Modulus method or the Eurocode 2 approach.

E Jeffs comments - he uses RAPT for a lot of his deflection calculations, and does not believe in kcs as far as I know! This is one area that the AS codes do not treat at all well, with one clause that is a bit puzzling giving extra reo based crack control and if is restrained or not, with a partially restrained clause giving you judgement choice.

Freely model structures of any shape and orientation without specifying a working grid or creating beam strips. The terminology that will be used in subsequent indufta videos are introduced in this video. AS - Thanks for all the help — much appreciated as always! For that matter what about AS and the CCA paving manuals etc that have joint spacing and reinforcing determined from shrinkage I'm assuming MS?

New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and aviation facilities.

inducta slabs 2009

So, is it appropriate to use these values for design purposes or is something more formal than an email required? Some comments from the heavier end of structural engineering: So concrete's aren't concrete's.

Area Loads

The manual provides the inspector with an understanding of the scientific principles that underlie sound practices and will assist the inspector in making rational. But not all engineering companies use PDM equally.

The slab panels are lifted to the top of the column and then moved downwards to the final position. Automatically calculate the punching slahs perimeter, check punching shear and design any extra steel if needed. Slab-on-ground can be modelled using the simplified springs or using advanced soil-structure interaction. I believe Doug's approach is the correct approach. Doug, As you know I agree with everything you are saying.

It was my understanding that these weren't entirely empirical based.

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